We are EuroNaval

We are EuroNaval

We offer all kinds of supplies, services, and equipment to institutions, public administrations, collectives, and also to the HORECA sector.

We specialize in public tenders, so we provide institutions with our experience and knowledge to optimize processes and ensure regulatory compliance.

We offer all kinds of supplies, services, and equipment to institutions, public administrations, collectives, and also to the HORECA sector.

We specialize in public tenders, so we provide institutions with our experience and knowledge to optimize processes and ensure regulatory compliance.

We are EuroNaval

We offer all kinds of supplies, services and equipment to institutions, public administrations and communities, as well as to the HORECA sector.

We specialize in public tenders, so we make our experience and knowledge available to institutions to optimize processes and ensure compliance with regulations.

Our catalog:

your imagination

Our catalog:

your imagination

Our catalog:

your imagination

We are able to offer everything our clients

require with quality, punctuality, and commitment. What do you need?

We are able to offer everything our clients

require with quality, punctuality, and commitment. What do you need?

We are able to offer everything our clients

require with quality, punctuality, and commitment. What do you need?


Food, specific technical material, spare parts and machinery for public institutions, private companies, shipyards and ancillary industries.


Food, specific technical material, spare parts and machinery for public institutions, private companies, shipyards and ancillary industries.


Food, specific technical material, spare parts and machinery for public institutions, private companies, shipyards and ancillary industries.


EPI, tailoring, security forces uniforms, healthcare uniforms, marine equipment, visibility, footwear, home textiles and household items.


EPI, tailoring, security forces uniforms, healthcare uniforms, marine equipment, visibility, footwear, home textiles and household items.


EPI, tailoring, security forces uniforms, healthcare uniforms, marine equipment, visibility, footwear, home textiles and household items.


Port workers, cleaning, construction and painting, event organization, catering, etc.


Port workers, cleaning, construction and painting, event organization, catering, etc.


Port workers, cleaning, construction and painting, event organization, catering, etc.

We want to improve

our society

with good values

We want to improve

our society

with good values

We want to improve

our society

with good values

  • Compromiso

    Para nosotros, el "no" no existe. Te ponemos en el centro de todo lo que hacemos. Escuchamos, entendemos tus necesidades y aportamos la mejor solución.

  • Innovación

    Creemos en la transformación como motor del cambio. Contamos con la última tecnología en todos nuestros sistemas y operaciones. Estamos a la vanguardia.

  • Impacto

    Respetamos el medioambiente. Cuidamos de las personas. Impactamos positivamente en la sociedad a través de nuestras iniciativas y políticas de RSC.

  • Compromiso

    Para nosotros, el "no" no existe. Te ponemos en el centro de todo lo que hacemos. Escuchamos, entendemos tus necesidades y aportamos la mejor solución.

  • Innovación

    Creemos en la transformación como motor del cambio. Contamos con la última tecnología en todos nuestros sistemas y operaciones. Estamos a la vanguardia.

  • Impacto

    Respetamos el medioambiente. Cuidamos de las personas. Impactamos positivamente en la sociedad a través de nuestras iniciativas y políticas de RSC.

  • Compromiso

    Para nosotros, el "no" no existe. Te ponemos en el centro de todo lo que hacemos. Escuchamos, entendemos tus necesidades y aportamos la mejor solución.

  • Innovación

    Creemos en la transformación como motor del cambio. Contamos con la última tecnología en todos nuestros sistemas y operaciones. Estamos a la vanguardia.

  • Impacto

    Respetamos el medioambiente. Cuidamos de las personas. Impactamos positivamente en la sociedad a través de nuestras iniciativas y políticas de RSC.


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